Thursday, March 10, 2016

Class on 3/3/2016

In this class, we did a variety of activities that could be used when reading a book with a class. One of the activities that really stood out to me was doing three snapshots of the story where group members are instructed to create a "snapshot" of what is happening in the story.

In the first half of Touching Spirit Bear, we came up with a variety of snapshots to "act out". These included a snap of us standing in a circle with Cole on the outside, a snap of Cole beating up Peter, and a snap of Cole being attacked by the bear. This was a great way that we could summarize our main take aways from the story.

Another activity we did was hold a question and answer of all of the characters in the story. Students were each assigned a character. Those characters would then stand in the front of the class and hold a Q&A where students could come up with any question that they wanted to act out. The one thing that I really did not enjoy about this activity is that if the kids do not know the character well enough, they can confuse their classmates and give inaccurate descriptions of the characters.

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